Pecos, TX
(432) 445-3273
La Norteña has found success by making items that are staples in many Mexican meals, tortillas and tamales, but which few families have time to prepare when they cook. The food is served fresh and hot, but La Norteña is take-out only. If you wish to eat it in your car or take it to a city park for a picnic, though, the owners will make accommodation by providing napkins, plastic forks, and other useful items.
Having a widespread following for their Tamales, many travelers stop by for a dozen or so while diving through on Interstate 20. I had heard that these spicy, New Mexico style tamales were good, and they lived up to their billing. The standard tamales sold are made with red chile and shredded pork, and honestly seemed as if they could be served by the best restaurants in Albuquerque or Santa Fe. Around Christmas other types of tamales are available as well.
Open throughout the day, the tamales here would make a good breakfast or lunch if you wish to try them fresh (which I recommend).